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The lifeblood of WSI - Winsol is our way of managing billable time, projects, sub-projects, tasks, customer information, etc.  It is also equipped with an in/out board, a pager gateway, vacation/PTO requests and much, much more.
Please feel free to look around, click the buttons, make test entries, etc.  If you want to know more about a particular item, how it could be retro-fitted to meet your needs, or want to discuss your ideas, please call us at 1-515-239-9900, fill out our contact form or e-mail

Winsol is available for use for external companies on a monthly rental basis. If you are interested in setting your company up to use Winsol please contact us by the means above. If you would like to try the system out for yourself on a trial basis, use the means above to use the Test Company or click here to setup your company for a free one month trial.

©Copyright 2000-2025 Winning Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Winsol is restricted for use by WSI employees only. Outside access to this site
must be supervised by an Authorized WSI Employee. Unauthorized access will
invoke legal action against any, and all parties involved.